Person Changing Cabin Air FilterPerson Changing Cabin Air Filter

Understanding the Different Types of Cabin Air Filters and Their Role in Your Vehicle 

Cabin air filters are the unsung heroes of your car, quietly working to ensure the air you breathe while driving is clean and safe. They eliminate dust, pollen, and other pollutants before entering your vehicle's ventilation system. But did you know that different types of cabin air filters offer varying levels of filtration efficiency and capacity, with some even removing odors? Continue reading to learn more about cabin air filters and find out which one is best for your driving conditions.

Types of Cabin Air Filters

Particulate Filters 
Particulate filters are the most common type of cabin air filter. They're made of a material similar to paper, which is great at catching fine dust, debris, and allergens from the air. Particulate filters typically remove between 90% and 99% of airborne particles ranging in size from 5-100 microns. A good example is the FRAM Drive® Cabin Air Filter. With up to 12 months of protection, this filter is a great choice for most driving conditions. 

Activated Charcoal (Carbon) Cabin Air Filters 
Activated charcoal, or carbon cabin air filters, offer an added level of filtration and odor elimination. The FRAM Fresh Breeze®, for instance, can block up to 98% of road dust and pollen particles from entering your vehicle. What's special about FRAM Fresh Breeze is its use of ARM & HAMMER™ baking soda and carbon in the filter media. This removes odors flowing through the ventilation system as well as harmful gases like nitrogen dioxide, maintaining the air inside your car fresh and safe. 

Electrostatic Cabin Air Filter 
Electrostatic cabin air filters are the tech whizzes of the filter world. They offer a specialized media with an electrostatically charged layer that attracts and captures a broad range of ultra-fine particles such as cigarette smoke, ozone, and diesel carbon. This is a significant advantage over traditional filters, which rely solely on the physical size of the filter mesh to block particles.  
FRAM TrueAir® is a premium cabin air filter engineered with dual-layered protection. The first layer captures 95% of airborne bacteria and viruses that enter your vehicle's cabin, while the second layer filters out 99% of dirt, dust, pollen, and allergens. Regular use of such high-grade filters can prolong the lifespan of your car's HVAC system, as cleaner air results in less strain and wear. So, with FRAM TrueAir®, not only do you guarantee a fresher drive, but you also invest in the longevity of your vehicle's systems. 

FRAM Filter Type Media Protection Filtration Efficiency
FRAM Drive®  Particulate  Paper / Activated Carbon  Standard (Fine Dust, Debris, Allergens)  95%
FRAM Fresh Breeze®  Carbon Activated  Activated Carbon, Baking Soda  High (Odor, Gases)  98%
FRAM TrueAir®  Premium  Premium, Anti-Viral, Anti-Bacterial  Premium (Bacteria, Viruses)  99%

Carbon Cabin Air Filter vs. Regular Cabin Air Filter 

Carbon cabin air filters tend to outperform regular ones. They can catch dust, pollen, and even remove odors and harmful gases, thanks to the activated carbon. If you're often stuck in traffic with lots of exhaust fumes, a carbon filter like FRAM Fresh Breeze® is the best choice. 
In the end, it's clear that cabin air filters play a vital role in maintaining the air quality inside your vehicle. They come in different types, each with its own strengths. At FRAM, we diligently test our products to ensure at least 95% filtration efficiency. No matter what you need - dust and pollen filtration, odor elimination, or trapping super tiny particles - there's a FRAM cabin air filter that will do the job. But remember, filters need to be changed regularly to ensure maximum filtration and HVAC performance. 

Questions? We're here to help. Reach out the FRAM specialists for product and maintenance support.


FRAM TrueAir™
Cabin Air Filter

FRAM Fresh Breeze®
Cabin Air Filter

FRAM Drive™
Cabin AIr Filter

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